Vertical Laboratory Autoclave LVA-G11

Vertical Autoclave LVA-G11 has hand wheel type quick open door structure design. It is equipped with two stainless steel baskets and indicator light to indicate working status of sterilization process. Autoclave is top loading sterilizer with four wheels for easy movement of the unit and self-bulge seal ring to prevent leakage. Vertical autoclave has dual scale numerical pressure gauge system and provides auto protection against over temperature & over pressure. Its safe, economic and reliable autoclave with multiple applications in hospitals, clinical research laboratories, food industry, biotechnology & microbiology labs etc.

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Capacity 50L
Sterilization Temperature 134 °C
Sterilization Pressure 0.22 Mpa
Chamber Dimension ( Φ × D ) 340 × 550 mm
Timer Range 0 - 99 min
Number of sterilizing baskets 2
Heat Average ≤ ± 1 ℃
  • Designed with horizontal sliding door with safety interlock device which do not allow door to open until there is no pressure in the chamber
    Equipped with four wheels for easy movement of the unit and self-bulge seal ring to prevent leakage
    Two stainless steel sterilizing baskets
    Indicator light indicates working status
    Automatic shutdown with beep sound after completion of process
    Dual scale numerical pressure gauge
    Safe inflating type seal
    Safety valve and door locking system with pressure or temperature overloading protection device

Vertical autoclave with pressure steam has applications medicine and clinical research industry, pharmaceutical industry, biotechnology, microbiology and other organizations to sterilize biological material, culture media, surgical equipments, glass wares etc.

{"Capacity":"50L","Sterilization Temperature":"134 \u00b0C","Sterilization Pressure":"0.22 Mpa","Chamber Dimension ( \u03a6 \u00d7 D )":"340 \u00d7 550 mm","Timer Range":"0 - 99 min","Number of sterilizing baskets":"2","Heat Average":"\u2264 \u00b1 1 \u2103"}
Designed with horizontal sliding door with safety interlock device which do not allow door to open until there is no pressure in the chamber
Equipped with four wheels for easy movement of the unit and self-bulge seal ring to prevent leakage
Two stainless steel sterilizing baskets
Indicator light indicates working status
Automatic shutdown with beep sound after completion of process
Dual scale numerical pressure gauge
Safe inflating type seal
Safety valve and door locking system with pressure or temperature overloading protection device
Vertical autoclave with pressure steam has applications medicine and clinical research industry, pharmaceutical industry, biotechnology, microbiology and other organizations to sterilize biological material, culture media, surgical equipments, glass wares etc.

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