Angular Spectrometer LASM-A10

Angular Spectrometer LASM-A10 is a tabletop unit, offers angle measurement accuracy of 1 inch and diopter compensation range of ≥ ± 5 diopters. Incorporated with two verniers at the opposite edges, to remove errors induced by the off center errors of the divided circle and thrusting bearing under the divided circle for smooth rotation. Equipped with magnifier with handle, optical parallel plate and planar holographic grating. Built in with adjustable dioptre, moveable telescopes eyepiece and adjustable stage.

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Angle Measurement Accuracy 1inch
Optical Parameter
  • Focal Length: 170 mm
  • Effective Aperture: Φ 22 mm
  • Field of View: 3° 22inch
  • Focal Length of Telescope’s Eyepiece: 24.3 mm
  • Maximum Length Between Collimator and Telescope: 120 mm
  • Slit Width: 0.02 to 2 mm
  • Diopter Compensation Range: ≥ ± 5 diopters
Divided Circle
  • Diameter: Φ178 mm
  • Circle Graduation: 0° to 360°
  • Division: 0.5°
  • Vernier Reading Value: 1inch
  • Diameter: Φ70 mm
  • Rotating Range: 360°
  • Range of Vertical Adjustment: 20 mm
  • Prism Angle: 60° ± 5inch
  • Transformer: 6.3 Ⅴ/220 Ⅴ (3 ⅤA)
  • Planar Holographic Grating: 300/ mm
Dimensions (W×D×H) 251×518×250 mm
Net Weight 11.8 kg
  • Highly efficient and safe with complete functions
    Easy to clean, corrosion resistant, stainless steel lining
    Compact and space saving design
    Easy to use, operate and less maintenance
    Built in with fine adjusting knob of telescope, collimator unit and brake mount

Angular Spectrometer is widely used for angular measurements based on polarization, diffraction, refraction and interference. It is commonly used in color measurements, concentration determination of chemical components and electromagnetic radiation analysis.

{"Angle Measurement Accuracy":"1inch","Optical Parameter":{"Focal Length":"170 mm","Effective Aperture":"\u03a6 22 mm","Field of View":"3\u00b0 22inch","Focal Length of Telescope\u2019s Eyepiece":"24.3 mm","Maximum Length Between Collimator and Telescope":"120 mm","Slit Width":"0.02 to 2 mm","Diopter Compensation Range":"\u2265 \u00b1 5 diopters"},"Divided Circle":{"Diameter":"\u03a6178 mm","Circle Graduation":"0\u00b0 to 360\u00b0","Division":"0.5\u00b0","Vernier Reading Value":"1inch"},"Stage":{"Diameter":"\u03a670 mm","Rotating Range":"360\u00b0","Range of Vertical Adjustment":"20 mm"},"Attachments":{"Prism Angle":"60\u00b0 \u00b1 5inch","Transformer":"6.3 \u2164\/220 \u2164 (3 \u2164A)","Planar Holographic Grating":"300\/ mm"},"Dimensions (W\u00d7D\u00d7H)":"251\u00d7518\u00d7250 mm","Net Weight":"11.8 kg"}
Highly efficient and safe with complete functions
Easy to clean, corrosion resistant, stainless steel lining
Compact and space saving design
Easy to use, operate and less maintenance
Built in with fine adjusting knob of telescope, collimator unit and brake mount
Angular Spectrometer is widely used for angular measurements based on polarization, diffraction, refraction and interference. It is commonly used in color measurements, concentration determination of chemical components and electromagnetic radiation analysis.

XRF Spectrometer

XRF-Spectrometer LXRF-A10

Measureable elements S to U
Detection limit 1 ppm
Temperature 15 ~ 30 °C

Handheld XRF Spectrometer LXRF-B10

Analytical Method Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analytical Method
Elements Measuring Atomic number from 12 to 92 [elements from magnesium (Mg) to uranium (U)] can be measured
Range Simultaneous detector

FTIR Spectrometer

FTIR Spectrometer LIR-B10
Spectral Range 7800 cm-1 to 350 cm-1
Resolution 0.85 cm-1
Wave number precision ± 0.01 cm-1

ICP Spectrometer

ICP spectrometer LICP-A10
Wavelength range ( 3600 lines / mm ) 180 to 500 nm
Wavelength range ( 2400 lines / mm ) 180 to 800 nm
Temperature 20 ~ 28 °C

ICP Spectrometer LICP-B10

Monochromator Specifications
Optical type Czerny turner
Resolution ≤ 0.015nm (3600 line grating)
≤ 0.030nm (2400 line grating)
Focal length 1000 mm
Grating specifications huge holographic grating with 3600 L/mil or 2400 L/mil and 80 mm × 100 mm of ruling area
Wavelength range 195 to 500 nm for 3600 line grating
195 to 800 nm for 2400 line grating
Solid State Power Specifications
Frequency 27.12 MHz
Frequency stability: < 0.05%
Spray chamber Scott double pass spray chamber
Output power 800 W to 1600 W, adjustable with power efficiency more than 65%
Output power stability ≤ 0.05%
Induction coil 25 mm × 3 ID (ID-internal diameter), equipped with three concentric quartz torch tubes 35 mm ED (ED-external diameter)
Technical Specifications
Suitable sample content range Liquid sample: 0.01 ppm to several thousand ppm
Solid or power sample: 0.001% to 70%
Repeatability short-term stability- RSD ≤ 1.5%
Long-term stability: RSD ≤ 2%
Test speed 5 to 8 elements / min
Limits of detection (LOD, µg/L) for most elements 1ppb to 10ppb

XRD Diffractometer

XRD Diffractometer LXRD-A10

X-ray Tuble Glass tube, Ceramic tube, Ripple Ceramic tube: Cu, Fe, Co, Cr, Mo etc., Power 2 kW
Focus Size 1 × 10 mm/ 0.4 × 14 mm/ 2 × 12 mm
Stability ≤ 0.01 %

Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer

Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer LAFS-A10
Beam Configuration Dual Channel
Elements ( Measuring Range )
As, Se, Pb, Bi, Sb, Te, Sn < 0.01 µg/L
Hg, Cd < 0.001 µg/L
Zn < 1.0 µg/L
Ge < 0.1 µg/L
Precision ( RSD ) < 1.0

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